ILLW – early end for PA25SCH


Hi All,

We have decided that due to the weather forecasts and the high danger of big waves at sea, we will not be operating PA25SCH tomorrow.

We had a great day today. Thanks all for your QSOs!

Below: Jeroen PD1ODE at the video mixer and Rody PD2RVK and myself PA3WEG at the upstream location for our WiFi link.

PD1ODE-RegieWagen WaarIsDieGoudPot

Some of the YouTube statistics for the day, left the total viewers over time, right the viewers through PA25SCH.NL:
TotalViewers PA25SCH.NL_viewers

Now the only job remaining is to clear out the sea salt from all equipment

Zout_waardan DraadlozeHobby


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