ISILaunch07 successful

The launch of 33 spacecraft, of which 21 were launched by ISL, was successfully performed at 19:11:11 UTC on 19th of June.

On the first pass over Delft, the two QB50 Precursor satellites were detected, and the brazilian NCBR-1.

Please find two recordings of the precursor CW beacons below:

The satellites have been switched to nominal mode to verify health, but may be left in safe mode as well.

QB50p1 downlink frequency: 145.815 MHz
QB50p2 downlink frequency: 145.880 MHz


1 00362U 00362A   14170.81049769  .00000000  00000-0  10000-4 0     7
2 00362  97.9897  66.2289 0012982 291.8733 244.3145 14.85013404    03

CW decoding sheets can be found here

QB50p1 contains the AMSAT-NL FUNcube transponder I designed, as well as the FUNcube PA board designed and built by AMSAT-UKs David Bowman G0MRF.

EDIT: added screenshot of signals received on the 17th orbit

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