I finally got the two VLF antennas off the roof. TU Delft decided to change the roof lock without notifying all the keyholders. Nice job…. The small Nordholt has been damaged by water ingress. When I opened the case, water was pooring out of it. The larger Nordholt is still closed and glued shut. It will take some time to carefully open and inspect it. Apart from the water damage, the small version also has an exploded tantulum. This might indicate lightning damage. However, the antenna would continue to work without this tantulum cap. Probably lightning is what has caused the reception problems, and the Nordholt finally had to give in to the force of mother nature after working fine for more than 30 years…
While VLF is now out of order, there is one other thing which you could listen to. On the Delft WebSDR there’s now a mirror of the CAMRAS WebSDR. This mirror service is provided if the main server would overload.
Funcube news: Last weekend we had the so-called FUNsquare meeting. Its objective was to test the interfaces between several boards and to do an end-to-end system test with all the prototype hardware. The meeting was very successful. please see funcube.org.uk for more info.